The VLF PyDAQviewer
Which Data to Plot
Narrowband data file naming convention
Folder Path Convention: working directory
Select date from calander
Receiver-Transmitter Information
Reproducing the Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Tutorial
The data are saved in a Matlab V4 format, allowing an ease read with Matlab. The format consists of a header with basic information, followed by the data itself. The specific format is detailed below, so that it is machine-readable in any digital application.
. See the user interface in Figure 1.
Figure 1: PyDAQviewer GUI after running the script.
Figure 2: Select NarrowbandData folder.
The path to your data will be something like: 'C:/NarrowbandData/SiteName/Year/MM/DD/'
(e.g. 'C:/NarrowbandData/Tunisia/2018/03/25/'
). Note that this can be on any drive root drive: C-Z including DVD drives etc. So if you burn data to a DVD burn it in the same folder and the PyDAQviewer will be able to find them.
Figure 3: Select date of the recorded data from the calendar.
) in which you will enter two dictionaries. The first one is Rx_ID indicating the AWESOME receiver locations and their IDs. The second dictionary is Tx_ID indicating the VLF transmitter IDs and the orientation of their antennas (e.g. 000 for N/S or 001 for E/W). In this way, it is very easy to add any other receiver and transmitter IDs. Then you can simply select the Rx_ID and Tx_ID of interest via menus as shown in Figures 4 and 5.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Purpose: Save VLF Receivers (Rx) and Transmitters (Tx) Info
# Rx info
Rx_ID = {
# Tx info
Tx_ID = {
Figure 4: Select AWESOME station.
Figure 5: Select VLF transmitter.
To start edit the
file to include the Rx_IDs: Cheyenne, Boulder, Walsenburg, and Las Vegas (note in the
file Las Vegas should be all one word: LasVegas).
Figure 6: Example working on data from LEP tutorial.
The output of this configuration is in below:
Figure 7: Generated figure.
Figure 8: Zoomed figure.